Category Archive For "이슈"
개그맨 이진호가 말하는 악플과 충고의 차이
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10 most beautiful Starbucks branches in Korea
If you are a coffee-lover, you might have stopped by Starbucks for a cup of tea or coffee. This popular coffee chain has given rise to the current coffee culture in the country and changed how people think about coffee. The brand got immense popularity because of the ambiance it provides to relax and relieve …
Pink Muhly Grass is in full bloom NOW
What is Pink Muhly Grass? The plant we know as Pink Muhly is called Pink Muhly Grass, which is native to the warm plains of the western and central United States. In Korea, Pink muhly usually turns pink and purple from the middle of September and keeps its pinkish color until November. The color ‘pink’, a representative …
5 Best places for Autumn Season in Korea
What is special in Autumn season in Korea? There are many reasons why you should visit Korea between September and November. The colorful turning leaves are accompanied by amazing weather. Temperatures are optimal at this time, allowing you to explore in comfort. While you can’t go wrong when choosing the month of your trip, there …
넷플릭스 입장에서 오징어 게임 떡상이 중요한 이유 ㄷㄷ
현재 해외에서도 오징어게임의 인기는 하늘이 무섭도록 치솟고 있다. 이에 우리 양덕님들은 벌써부터 할로윈 데이를 준비하는데.. 참고로 이번 할로윈 데이는 10월 31일임. 참고로,, 넷플릭스 CEO 헤이스팅스 형님은 457번째 참가자가 되기로 하는데.. 그렇다면 넷플렉스에서는 오징어게임의 흥행이 왜 좋은 것일까? ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ 한편 오징어게임으로 인해 인스타 좋아요가 미친듯이 눌리는 배우들이 있다는데… ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ……..